Dixons Onsite

A bespoke offer which takes you beyond the screen and includes visits, secondments and face-to-face training and development.

Our third package is Dixons Onsite, which combines online and face-to-face support.

Dixons Onsite takes you beyond the screen altogether through a bespoke in-depth offer, tailored to where an organisation is in its journey of change.

With this package, we open the doors of our trust, sharing learnings, knowledge and in-depth support to help you along your journey.

Dixons Onsite gives the opportunity to incubate participants side by side with Dixons leaders through in-person visits and additional professional development opportunities.

This package includes:

  • access to all our online video content
  • access to virtual live events for school leaders
  • a suite of leadership resources
  • live Q&A sessions on learning, culture and leadership with Dixons’ executive leaders
  • bespoke visit
  • 6 days of bespoke training and development
  • access to secondments

Dixons Insight

Find out more about our other package: Dixons Insight.